Teaching Kids Time Management

Teaching Kids Time Management

Teaching Kids Time Management These practical tips help equip your child with the life skill of managing their time efficiently that will stand themin good stead in the future. No one can deny that time management is a crucial life skill and mastering this paves the...
The Benefits of Journaling

The Benefits of Journaling

The Benefits of Journaling Keeping a journal may just be the answer to getting kids interested in writing and there is a host of other plus points too. How many of you lament that your child finds composition writing a dreaded chore? Most kids chafe at it as the task...
Going Beyond Basic Phonics

Going Beyond Basic Phonics

Going Beyond Basic Phonics Forty-four sounds and only 26 letters. Surely,something’s gotta give. If you’re new to phonics, perhaps you’d like to check out our article on Why Phonics is Not Enough, where we answer these three questions about phonics: What is it? How...
Why Phonics is Not Enough?

Why Phonics is Not Enough?

Why Phonics is Not Enough? Learning to read is a puzzle comprising many pieces. Phonics is just one. Phonics, phonics, phonics. Take a look at the proclamations of almost any kindergarten in Singapore and you’ll see phonics featured prominently, exhibited as though...